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The New Art Museum invites all interested parties to the illumination day on Friday, December 2 at 2:00 p.m. LIIVI LAHE LIGHTHOUSES, where the theme is the past, present and future of our coastal lighthouses.
Since modern navigation technologies will probably soon turn lighthouses into museums, we need to understand how lighthouses can be used in the future either in the creative or tourism industries.
Been we cannot change, but we can have a say in the fate of lighthouses in the future.
The following presentations are planned on the lighting day:
1. The Gulf of Livonia before the appearance of lighthouses. About seafaring based on old nautical charts - Mark Soosaar (Kihnu Culture Institute).
2. History and current state of lighthouses in the Gulf of Livonia. Lighthouses as cultural monuments - Jaan Vali (Heritage Board).
3. The future of Estonian lighthouses through the eyes of a civil servant - Urmas Õunap (Waterways Board).
4. The new breath of Bengtsäri lighthouse (Finland). Impressions of visiting one of the most magnificent lighthouses by the Baltic Sea - Marie Soosaar-Virta (New Art Museum) and Mikko Virta (Balti Guide).
5. Discussion.
The lighting day will take place at Pärnu New Art Museum, Esplanaadi tn 10. We plan for presentations and discussion with a coffee break for about 3 hours.
Pre-registration until December 1 at 6:00 p.m. on phone 44 30 772 or at
The Illumination Day is organized by the New Art Museum foundation in cooperation with the Estonian Lighthouse Society and SA Kihnu Cultural Institute.
Waiting for active participation -
Mark Soosaar
New Art Museum